

This Week's Prayer Theme: 

21st. July 2024
Following the General Election and the Opening of Parliament, the new Prime Minister and Government, are embarking on a new path and work.

Please pray; 
- for God's guidance, for the Government to maintain truth and integrity.
- for stamina and insight for new MP's starting new responsibiities.
- that we will all do our part to help make our country a better place for all.

"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people".
Proverbs 14; 34.

Prayer Requests

At the church we regularly pray for the needs of our local community and its people, as well as the needs of the wider world. If you have any particular prayer requests, please contact us. These requests will be handled confidentially.


This Week's Reading/Readings

Psalm 23

Daniel 3: 1 - 27

Romans 5: 1 - 5