This Week's Prayer Theme:
8th. Sept. 2024
As church groups resume, and a new school term starts, may we all seek to support one another.
Please pray;
- for children restarting school, and their families supporting them.
- for teaching and support staff in all educational establishments.
for church groups and activities, and for Deacon Jill Henderson, as she
starts her ministry at St. Johns, and Trinity Church, Gosforth.
"I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go".
Isaiah 48; 17
Prayer Requests
At the church we regularly pray for the needs of our local community and its people, as well as the needs of the wider world. If you have any particular prayer requests, please contact us. These requests will be handled confidentially.
This Week's Reading/Readings
James 2: 1 - 10
Mark 7: 24 - end